
Recorded video

PD Hours or Credits

0.20 ASHA CEUs/2.00 PD hours Introductory Level


30 days unlimited


From the age of three, children in early childhood settings begin to interact more with their peers than they do with their caregivers. This means that much of their cognitive, language and social skills learning happens during peer interaction. They get to practice taking turns in conversation, using their vocabulary, negotiating, collaborating, sharing and problem-solving.

But what about the children who tend to play alone or watch from the sidelines? Children who are frequently left out of interactions miss important opportunities to practice their developing skills, build their confidence and make friends. 

Whether you work directly with children in early childhood settings, or consult to educators who work in those settings, you will come away from this e-Seminar with evidence-based ideas to:

  • Encourage and support peer interaction by making strategic changes in classroom set-up and using specific interaction techniques. 
  • Raise the profile of children who are more isolated so that they are more likely to be included in interactions.
  • Become more intentional and strategic in the way you support peer play in order to make the biggest difference for all children.  




You’ll receive a fillable Action Plan to identify individual children’s interaction level and plan strategies to support their interaction.  By the end of the e-seminar, you’ll have a completed plan to try with a child you work with or a child in a program you’re consulting to.

Video Examples

Video Examples

You’ll watch videos of children at different levels and analyze examples of educators putting the strategies into action.

Research-based Strategies

Research-based Strategies

You’ll learn practical strategies drawn from the evidence-based Hanen Program, Learning Language and Loving It™.

Learning Objectives

After completing this e-Seminar, you will be able to:

  • Explain why peer interaction is important for children’s development. 
  • List the skills children need to interact successfully with peers and why peer interaction can be challenging.
  • Identify children’s level of social involvement with their peers and plan for next steps.
  • List guidelines for setting up the classroom to support peer interaction.
  • Identify strategies to initiate and sustain peer interaction. 


What participants have said

Presenter Info

Presenter Photo

Helen Livshits

Helen Livshits, M.H.Sc., Reg. CASLPO, is a speech-language pathologist at The Hanen Centre. Helen offers training for parents and educators as a Hanen Programs® leader and develops resources for families and professionals that reflect the most current research in early childhood language and literacy.



USD $84.95


USD $45.00

Notes: This e-Seminar focuses on the information outlined above, and will include no or limited information about similar products or services.

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