
Recorded video

PD Hours or Credits

0.20 ASHA CEUs/2.00 PD hours Introductory Level


30 days unlimited


In order to have a positive experience at school, children need school readiness skills that go beyond academics. One of these skills is emotional self-regulation.

Children who are well-regulated can pay attention to and learn from their environment – both academically and socially, which in turn prepares them for greater success at school. This e-Seminar introduces the importance of emotional self-regulation and its reciprocal relationship with language learning. You’ll learn how to help children practice self-regulation through sociodramatic play, which is associated with better emotional self-regulation in real-life situations. You’ll have the chance to personalize the content by filling out an Action Plan to apply in your work, and answering reflection questions either individually or with colleagues if you are attending as a group. 

Note: This e-Seminar will be beneficial for educators who are promoting emotional self-regulation in children who want to interact, who can engage with their peers and caregivers, and who are already responsive within interactions.




You’ll receive strategy checklists, practice and discussion sheets, as well as an Emotional Self-Regulation Action Plan to help you outline how you intend to implement the strategies with specific children.

Video Examples

Video Examples

You’ll watch real-life examples of educators in early childhood settings using strategies to support children’s emotional self-regulation. You’ll have the chance to analyse what the educators are doing well, and what else they could do to support children’s learning. 

Research-based Strategies

Research-based Strategies

You’ll learn practical strategies to develop emotional self-regulation, including strategies that have been created for special populations, including autistic children, those with language delays and English language learners. These strategies are designed for professionals to use themselves as well as to share with parents to use at home with their children.

Learning Objectives

After completing this e-Seminar, you will be able to:

  • Define emotional self-regulation.
  • Identify how language impacts emotional self-regulation and how emotional self-regulation impacts language.
  • Explain how sociodramatic pretend play promotes emotional self-regulation in preschoolers.
  • Describe how to provide opportunities for emotional-self regulation by fostering sociodramatic play for typically developing children, as well as for children with delays.
  • List strategies that serve to extend episodes of sociodramatic play in order to increase children’s opportunities for emotional self-regulation.


What participants have said

Presenter Info

Presenter Photo

Helen Livshits

Helen Livshits, M.H.Sc., Reg. CASLPO, is a speech-language pathologist at The Hanen Centre. Helen offers training for parents and educators as a Hanen Programs® leader and develops resources for families and professionals that reflect the most current research in early childhood language and literacy.



USD $84.95


USD $45.00

Notes: This e-Seminar focuses on the information outlined above, and will include no or limited information about similar products or services.

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